
Our Coaching Process

Pre-Engagement Assessment

Initial Meeting: Begin with an initial meeting to understand the executive’s objectives, challenges, and expectations from the coaching process.

Assessment Tools: Use assessments such as 360-degree feedback, personality assessments (e.g., MBTI), and skills gap analysis to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Goal Setting: Collaboratively set clear, specific, and measurable goals that align with the executive’s personal and organizational objectives.

Coach Selection
Matching Coach: Choose a coach with relevant experience, expertise, and coaching style that aligns with the executive’s needs and personality.
Employee Resource Groups Programming

Coaching Agreement: Establish a coaching agreement outlining the scope, objectives, confidentiality, frequency, and duration of coaching sessions.

Expectations: Ensure both the executive and the coach understand their roles, responsibilities, and what to expect from the coaching relationship.

Coaching Sessions
Regular Meetings

Schedule regular coaching sessions, typically 1-2 hours, and establish a comfortable and confidential environment.


Provide feedback on assessment results and progress towards goals.

Skill Development

Work on leadership skills, communication, emotional intelligence, and other areas identified in the assessment.


Address specific challenges and develop strategies for overcoming them.

Action Plans

Create actionable steps and set timelines to achieve goals.


Encourage self-reflection and self-awareness to enhance personal and professional growth.


Assign exercises, readings, or tasks between sessions to reinforce learning.

Certification – ExPI
Feedback and Evaluation

Feedback Loop: Gather feedback from the executive, their supervisor, and peers to assess progress and make adjustments as needed.

Review Goals: Regularly review and update coaching goals based on progress and changing circumstances.

Measuring ROI: Evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of coaching by measuring improvements in leadership effectiveness and business outcomes.


Transition Plan: Develop a plan for the executive to sustain their growth and development after coaching concludes.

Final Assessment: Conduct a final assessment to measure the executive’s progress against the initial goals.

Acknowledgment: Celebrate achievements and acknowledge the executive’s commitment to personal growth.


Post-Coaching Support: Offer occasional follow-up sessions or support to ensure continued progress and development.

Long-term Development: Encourage the executive to continue seeking personal and professional development opportunities beyond coaching.


Maintain Confidentiality: Emphasize the importance of confidentiality throughout the coaching process to create a safe and trusting environment.

Continuous Improvement

Feedback for the Coach: Encourage the executive to continue seeking personal and professional development opportunities beyond coaching.


Record Keeping: Encourage the executive to continue seeking personal and professional development opportunities beyond coaching.

Remember that coaching is a dynamic process, and flexibility is essential to adapt to the executive's evolving needs and goals.

Communication and trust between the coach and executive are fundamental to the success of the coaching relationship.